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Intern Abroad in Cusco Peru with Intern Abroad HQ

Peru Internships

Intern in Peru with Intern Abroad HQ and discover Cusco, an ancient city nestled in the Andes mountains with endless Inca trails, ruins, temples, and adventures to be had! Choose from a diverse range of short-term internship programs in Peru, including Psychology, Physical Therapy, Dentistry, Midwifery, Physician’s Assistant, Special Education, Youth Development & Education, Marketing & Communications, and Veterinary & Animal Care. With affordable fees and top rated programs, Intern Abroad HQ offers the best internship opportunities in Peru for students, graduates, career changers, and gap year travelers!

  • Program Fees from $1129 for 2 weeks
  • Includes arrangement of your placement, airport pick-up, orientation, accommodation, and 24/7 in-country support
  • Accommodation in homestays

  • Based in Cusco, one of South America’s oldest and most beautiful cities

  • Internships begin every Monday

Fully hosted experience from $1129
Includes accommodation & meals
Start dates every Monday
Intern for 2 weeks to 24 weeks
Spanish language lessons available
Get job-ready with our Experiential Learning Curriculum
Requires a minimum of beginner Spanish

Internship opportunities

Dental Internships in Cusco
Internship Abroad in Cusco

Assist practicing dentists with general clinical checks, patient treatments and hygiene promotion. This is a Spanish-speaking internship.

Marketing & Communications Internships in Peru
Internship Abroad in Cusco

Develop and implement communications strategy and gain digital, social and in-person marketing skills! This is a Spanish-speaking internship.

Internship Abroad in Cusco

Assist local midwives as they work with new and existing mothers at various stages of their pregnancy. This is a Spanish-speaking internship.

Physical Therapy Internships in Cusco
Internship Abroad in Cusco

Gain experience and boost your qualification by assisting local therapists at a range of placements. This is a Spanish-speaking internship.

Physician Associate Internships
Internship Abroad in Cusco

Physician Associate internships are perfect for those wanting first-hand experience of Latin American healthcare. This is a Spanish-speaking internship.

Veterinary Internships in Cusco
Internship Abroad in Cusco

Support vets as they treat a range of animals, while also assisting local shelters care for abandoned dogs. Basic Spanish language skills required.

What recent interns said about their experience

Angielisa Sirard
June 2023

The ability to be fully immersed in the Spanish language was what I enjoyed most. I definitely feel like my Spanish skills have improved greatly after this experience, and it was wonderful to learn about Peruvian culture. My internship involved travelling to a local centro de salud in the city of Cusco to shadow and assist doctors and nurses. I assisted the obstetrician, the nurses in the children’s department, and the doctor in the general medicine area. It has shown me the inner workings of a medical clinic, allowing me to familiarise myself with the routines and protocols involved. I am on the path to become a Physician Assistant, and I have also learned that I really enjoy working with kids, meaning that a future in Paediatrics may be ahead!

Freya Doyle
June 2023

There is no doubt that my internship has contributed to one of my major goals; to make small but important social change, and improve the education and mental wellbeing of young people. My role involved helping children of various ages with homework tasks, including support with anything from colouring in to long-multiplications or reading problems (and much more!) I have learnt so many transferable skills being on this internship that would be especially useful in a teaching career. It pushed me to demonstrate professionalism and exercise patience; a necessity if I want to work with children, or even if I want to manage people for a creative arts business or work for an NGO.

Matthew Robinson
September 2022

For me, participating in an internship abroad was a way to fulfill some professional and personal aspirations I’ve had for a long time. I was so incredibly excited to travel to a country that spoke a language I loved. Traveling overseas to a Spanish speaking country like Peru, was going to allow me to work with a variety of students with their English language skills, while also improving my own Spanish language abilities. I’ll always treasure my relationship with my supervisor and all the amazing interns I met. I have developed a greater love of the Spanish language and associated cultures, which I want to continue to explore. Through such exploration I intend to lay a foundation for both professional and personal enrichment, as I wish to make travel and interactions with various others a part of my life.

Amanda Muniz
February 2022

My internship experience has been amazing. It was different from what I imagined because I thought I would be more nervous, but no. The team of the Centre I interned with were amazing and made me feel at home from day one. As I developed familiarity and context within my role, my expectations increased. I was given an incredibly active role shadowing psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, pharmacists and occupational therapists. This meant I could learn so much more, expanding my horizons and taking on more responsibilities. I was in charge of shadowing the Mental Health Centre staff, discussing cases and helping with tele monitoring. My internship has supported my long term goals as I wanted to gain knowledge and experience I'd have for the rest of my life. My long term goals are to help society and the people that are close to me. With this experience I feel more prepared to deal with crisis interventions, and to notice more easily when people are in need of help. My favorite memory from my internship experience was ironically my last day. But, that is because I did more interviews and got to meet everyone and they wished me a lot of good things. At that moment I realized that I wanted to stay longer, that being there was one of the best decisions I could have ever made.

Alexa Smith
January 2022

My Marketing & Communications internship experience has been amazing! Right from the beginning I felt good about getting to work, school and what my responsibilities were. I gained a greater understanding in the field of marketing while also practicing my Spanish language skills. Marketing is applicable to just about every career field there is, so I have learned many important aspects that can be carried over into any future career. During my internship in Peru, I facilitated short-term growth by brainstorming new content ideas for my host organizations’ social media and website, edited the grammar on their website, updated the functionality and aesthetics of the website, interacted with consumers on social media and ensured that all content was search engine optimized. In the long-term, this meant that their website looked more professional and got more traffic, their social media account gained a bigger following, and consumers gained more trust/brand loyalty for the company. This, in turn, converted consumers into clients, generated more income for the company, and allowed them to grow and become more involved in the community.

Jackson Hill
September 2021

I would 100% recommend an internship abroad to anyone! My Physical Therapy internship In Peru was such a fantastic experience and as soon as the opportunity became available to gain valuable work experience, all while traveling abroad, I jumped at the opportunity! Often when these opportunities arise, it is too easy to turn them down and convince yourself that going somewhere unknown is just too hard. But once you’re there, it is easy to understand why pushing yourself is worth it. I have such a better understanding of other cultures, perspectives and relationships and an even greater passion to learn and grow. Take a chance and go in with open eyes. The relationships I made with my colleagues, other interns and host family was a massive highlight. The Latin American culture is so welcoming and the people I met really became family. Wherever I felt homesick, everyone’s support really made Cusco feel like a home away from home.


To read all reviews, visit our reviews page.

Free-time experiences & tours in Cusco

Take your internship to the next level with Intern Abroad HQ's affordable activity and tour add-ons in Cusco! Explore your options below and learn how to book them once you've been accepted onto an internship program.

Cusco City Tour
Cusco City Tour

Explore the city of Cusco and its popular archaeological sites

Inca Trail to Machu Picchu - 4 Day, 3 Night
Inca Trail to Machu Picchu - 4 Day, 3 Night

Enjoy this unique Wonder of the World on an affordable 4 day, 3 night tour.

Lake Titicaca - 2 days, 1 night
Lake Titicaca - 2 days, 1 night

Enjoy the beauty of this secluded Lake on an affordable 2 day, 1 night tour.

Cusco City Tour
Cusco City Tour

Explore the city of Cusco and its popular archaeological sites

Inca Trail to Machu Picchu - 4 Day, 3 Night
Inca Trail to Machu Picchu - 4 Day, 3 Night

Enjoy this unique Wonder of the World on an affordable 4 day, 3 night tour.

Lake Titicaca - 2 days, 1 night
Lake Titicaca - 2 days, 1 night

Enjoy the beauty of this secluded Lake on an affordable 2 day, 1 night tour.


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